Release Notes: ==================== 846ReleaseNotes20170617 -------------------- LIN02- Removed Qualifier 'IN - Buyer's Item Number' from the Product/Service ID Qualifier in LIN02 Element. 846ReleaseNotes20170131 -------------------- REF01 = IA Modified below to new definition. To identify your Internal Vendor Number would be the Burlington Stores Vendor Number identified in the Subject Line of the 846 Testing Email sent to your EDI Contact to test the 846 Transaction. REF02- Modified below to new definition. Burlington Stores uses the 'VN' qualifier to identify the specific Internal Vendor Number for the unique division of a specific Vendor that is defined by the buyer & vendor's sales representative. 856ReleaseNotes20141027 -------------------- REF01 = IA To identify your Internal Vendor Number review your Vendor Receiver EDI Qualifier and Receiver Communications (COMM) ID. The first 2 characters of the Internal Vendor Number is your Vendor Receiver EDI Qualifier with the Receiver Communications (COMM) ID making up the rest of the character string. For example, the Burlington Stores Receiver EDI Qualifier and Receiver Communications (COMM) ID is 08|6126750000. The reference identified by the ‘IA’ qualifier the Internal Vendor Number would be 086126750000. REF02- Burlington Stores uses the 'VN' qualifier to identify the vendor by ISA05 Interchange ID Qualifier and the ISA06 Interchange Sender ID as a systemic cross reference; for example, the Burlington Stores Qualifier and Commid are 08*6126750000, the 'VN' would be identified as 086126750000 in the REF02. Burlington Stores uses the 'IA' qualifier to identify the specific Internal Vendor Number for the unique division of a specific Vendor company set up by the buyer & vendor. QTY01 Modified: 33 Quantity Available for Sale (stock quantity) User Note 1: Burlington Stores uses the '33' qualifier to identify the Available Inventory (Availability =TODAY) for trade items actively being traded between Burlington Stores and the Trading Partner. The transaction set has been structured so that inventory positions can be reported as of a specific date and time to notify a buyer of total quantity available as reflected in the supplier’s entire supply chain system. Inventory levels should be reported at the total product level inclusive of all Code Name available shipping locations for the Direct to Consumer thus allowing all the parties to synchronize product inventory in the Direct to Consumer Program. User Note 2 Orig: Burlington Stores Requests an 846 near real time whenever the available quantity goes to 0; at minimum suppliers are required to send this transaction once per day and only for trade items currently being transacted between Burlington Stores and the Trading Partner User Note 2 Modified: Burlington Stores Requests an 846 near real time whenever the available quantity goes to 0 by always sending the '33' qualifier in the QTY01 with zero quantity in the the QTY02 on the QTY; Burlington suppliers are required at minimum to send this transaction once per day and only for trade items currently being transacted between Burlington Stores and the Trading Partner. DTM01 Orig: 018 Available User Note 1: Burlington Stores requests an 846 in near real time whenever the available item quantity goes to 0; at minimum suppliers are required to send this transaction once per day and only for trade items currently being traded between Burlington Stores and the Trading Partner, use the ‘018’ qualifier in the DTM01, the DTM02 should reflect the current date (=TODAY). User Note 2 Original: The transaction set has been structured so that inventory positions can be reported as of a specific date and time to notify a buyer of total quantity available as reflected in the supplier’s entire supply chain system. DTM01 Modified: 018 Available User Note 1: Burlington Stores requests an 846 in near real time whenever the available item quantity goes to 0; at minimum suppliers are required to send this transaction once per day and only for trade items currently being traded between Burlington Stores and the Trading Partner, use the ‘018’ qualifier in the DTM01, the DTM02 should reflect the current date (=TODAY). User Note 2 Modified: Burlington Stores requires this 846 whenever the available quantity goes to 0 to alway send the ‘018’ qualifier in the DTM01 with the current date in the DTM02 on the DTM and with the '33' qualifier in the QTY01 and zero quantity in the QTY02 on the QTY. The transaction set has been structured so that inventory positions can be reported as of a specific date and time to notify a buyer of total quantity available as reflected in the supplier’s entire supply chain system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our EDI 846 Spec requires an 846 with the QTY segment having the qualifier '33' in the QTY01 and QTY02 set to zero with a DTM01 of '018' and current date in the DTM02 on the DTM segment to indicate there is zero quantity available for sale (out of stock). See Example below. Item Out of Stock Example: LIN*1*UP*123456789113*VA*M1995 QTY*33*0*EA DTM*018*20160412