Release Notes: ==================== 850ReleaseNotes20220218 -------------------- Burlington Stores starting 03/7/2022 will add the new “037” qualifier to indicate the "Do Not Ship Before Date" in the DTM01 field on the DTM Segment. 850ReleaseNotes20160330 -------------------- Burlington Stores has expanded the store size from 3 to 4 digits for store numbers > 999 in the N104 on the N1|ST segment & in the SDQ03 field on the SDQ segment on the 850 document. See the below examples of store numbers & store codes on the N1|ST & SDQ segments for the 850 document. Store Numbers: Store Codes on 850: 1 - 99 001 - 099 100 - 999 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 1000 - 9999 Below is an example of a ship to DC & mark for store with DC # 053 in the N104 field on the N1 segment and with mark for store # 1001 in the SDQ03 field on the SDQ segment. Added to All PO's (Example) N1|ST|EDGEWATER PARK, NJ DC|92|053 SDQ|EA|92|1001|40 850ReleaseNotes20160301 -------------------- Burlington Stores starting 03/21/2016 will provide the new Payment Method Code 'U' in the ITD14 field on the ITD segment to indicate an "Open Account" for approved Import Vendors on the Import PO. Added to Import PO's (Example) ITD|14|4|||||30|||||||U 850ReleaseNotes20151110 ----------------------- Burlington is undergoing an initiative to enhance their legal structure to more closely align with our operating structure thereby improving our productivity and efficiency. Going forward, merchandise for our stores will be purchased by the Burlington Merchandising Corporation, a newly formed wholly-owned subsidiary of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation. You will see this new entity reflected as the purchaser on our purchase orders, invoices and other agreements going forward, but this change should not impact any other current business practices. This change will include a new Bill-To Code '04' in the N104 for the new subsidiary Burlington Merchandising Corporation in the N102 with 'BT' in the N101 on the N1 segment on the PO, PO Change & Invoice Transactions. Added to PO's (Example) N1|BT|Burlington Merchandising Corp.|94|04 850ReleaseNotes20141028 -------------------- 'Making it Easier’ with Vendor Style -------------------- Burlington Stores as part of the ‘Making it easier’ initiative will begin on or about 01/15/2015 to provide precise vendor cross reference information when available on PO, ASNs and Invoices by way of providing the VA (Vendor's Style Number), VE (Vendor Color) and SZ (Vendor Size) in the PO118/PO119, PO120/PO121, PO122/PO123, SLN21/SLN22, SLN23/SLN24 and SLN25/SLN26 elements. Begin Changes: ==================== PO1 Baseline Item Data ------------------------ PO118 Product/Service ID Qualifier *Added Element Added VA Vendor's Style Number PO119 Product/Service ID *Added Element PO120 Product/Service ID Qualifier *Added Element Added VE Vendor Color PO121 Product/Service ID *Added Element PO122 Product/Service ID Qualifier *Added Element Added SZ Vendor Alphanumeric Size Code (NRMA) PO123 Product/Service ID *Added Element SLN Subline Item Detail ------------------------ SLN21 Product/Service ID Qualifier *Added Element Added VA Vendor's Style Number SLN22 Product/Service ID *Added Element SLN23 Product/Service ID Qualifier *Added Element Added VE Vendor Color SLN24 Product/Service ID *Added Element SLN25 Product/Service ID Qualifier *Added Element Added SZ Vendor Alphanumeric Size Code (NRMA) SLN26 Product/Service ID *Added Element *Applies to All Vendors 'Making it Easier’ for Import Vendors -------------------- While DTM|375, DTM|376, N1|CB, and N1|FW were available in the PO's being sent to the Freight Forwarder and the Customs Broker, they were not available to the Import Vendor this release will rectify that situation more closely aligning the Freight Forwarder, Customs Broker, and Import vendor entities. *Applies ONLY to Import Vendors Date Changes for Import Vendors -------------------- The Import Vendor receives a PO with the DTM Segment with "064" qualifier to indicate the "Do Not Deliver Before Date" and an "063" qualifier to indicate "Stop Delivery Date". Since the Import Vendor also needs to know when to begin shipping the import PO's, the solution was to add '375 Delivery Start' indicating the Earliest Shipping date on Import Orders and '376 Delivery End' indicating the latest Ship Date for an import order, so that all four dates appear on the Import PO for the Import Vendor and that which are only sent to the Import Broker and Freight Forwarder Added to Import PO's (Example) DTM|375|20141101 DTM|376|20141110 *Applies ONLY to Import Vendors Freight Forwarder and Customs Broker Identification for Import Vendors -------------------- Since the Import vendor may also need to know the Freight Forwarder and the Customs Broker, these were also added to the Import Vendor PO Added to Import PO's (Example) N1|CB|BDP International|92|BDP N1|FW|Mmmmmmm Orient Logistics|92|MOL *Applies ONLY to Import Vendors ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20140828 -------------------- Release Notes: ==================== Burlington Stores plans to use the MSG01 Free-Form Message Text to communicate ‘gift messages’ on direct to consumer orders as may be the case for the Burlington Stores’ on-line ‘web’ store orders purchased as gifts during the 2014 Holiday Season. The exact date this feature will be released will be announced to our Direct to consumer vendors ONLY. Gift Messages ------------------------ Burlington Stores implemented the MSG01 Free-Form Message Text to communicate ‘gift messages’ on direct to consumer orders on August 28,2014 • For each direct to consumer purchase order, the consumer may supply a Free-Form Message Text to communicate an appropriate ‘gift message’ to the recipient. • The expectation is that the ‘gift message’ will be sent on the Branded Packing Slip by the vendor (recipient) of the purchase order. • Please be advised that the Burlington Coat Factory EDI Specifications for the Branded Packing Slip are available on line: • The Burlington EDI Team is committed to 'Making it Easy!' ...If there are any questions about any Burlington Stores EDI or EDI specifications contact EDI Support at (609) 387-7800 Ext 3340 (EDI-0) or , where an incident will be opened and answered by the next available EDI Coordinator *Applies ONLY to direct to consumer Vendors Begin Changes: ==================== ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale ------------------------ ITD03 Terms Discount Percent *Changed from Must Use to Used N9 Reference Identification (pg30) ------------------------ *Changed from Not Used to Used N901 Reference Identification Qualifier Added L1 Letters or Notes N902 Reference Identification Added Reference Identification N903 Free-form Description Added Free-form Description 'GIFT MSG' MSG Message Text (Pos: 300) ------------------------ MSG01 Added Free-Form Message Text MSG02 Added Printer Carriage Control Code Added NS No advance before print MSG03 Added Number MSG Message Text (Pos: 289) ------------------------ MSG01 Removed Free-Form Message Text ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20140721 -------------------- Release Notes: ==================== *Changed Burlington Coat Factory references to Burlington Stores including email references. Burlington Stores plans to use the MSG01 Free-Form Message Text to communicate ‘gift messages’ on direct to consumer orders as may be the case for the Burlington Stores’ on-line ‘web’ store orders purchased as gifts during the 2014 Holiday Season. The exact date this feature will be released will be announced to our Direct to consumer vendors ONLY. Begin Changes: ==================== MSG Message Text ------------------------ MSG01 Added Free-Form Message Text ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20140205 -------------------- Release Notes: ==================== Following the Table of Contents Added User Note 1 Added User Note 2 Added User Note 3 Added User Note 4 Begin Changes: ==================== ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20130429 -------------------- Release Notes: ==================== Please read the 'user notes' provided within the updated specification document. There have been many updates to the 'User Note' sections; the updates were developed to suport our EDI peers and to provide solutions for everyday EDI programming and operational questions. If there are any questions about this or any Burlington Coat Factory EDI specification contact EDI Support at (609) 387-7800 Ext 3340 (EDI-0) or, where an incident will be opened and answered by the next available EDI coordinator. Begin Changes: ==================== SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information ------------------------ SAC02 Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code Removed I170 Trade Discount *Also added User Notes ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20130218 -------------------- Release Notes: ==================== Please read the 'user notes' provided within the updated specification document. There have been many updates to the 'User Note' sections; the updates were developed to suport our EDI peers and to provide solutions for everyday EDI programming and operational questions. If there are any questions about this or any Burlington Coat Factory EDI specification contact EDI Support at (609) 387-7800 Ext 3340 (EDI-0) or, where an incident will be opened and answered by the next available EDI coordinator. Begin Changes: ==================== SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code ------------------------ SAC02 Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code Added D240 Freight *Also added User Notes ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20121231 -------------------- Burlington Coat Factory EDI Specification Documents can be found on the Burlington Coat Factory website under Release Notes: ==================== Please read the 'user notes' provided within the updated specification document. There have been many updates to the 'User Note' sections; the updates were developed to suport our EDI peers and to provide solutions for everyday EDI programming and operational questions. If there are any questions about this or any Burlington Coat Factory EDI specification contact EDI Support at (609) 387-7800 Ext 3340 (EDI-0) or, where an incident will be opened and answered by the next available EDI coordinator. Begin Changes: ==================== REF Reference Identification ------------------------ REF01 Reference Identification Qualifier Added 2i Tracking Number Added IL Internal Order Number Added KK Deliver Reference Number Added KL Contract AReference Added MI Mill Order Number FOB F.O.B. Related Instructions ------------------------ FOB05 Transportation Terms Code Added DAT Delivered at Terminal (named terminal at port or place of destination) Added DAP Delivered at Place (named place of destination) SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information ------------------------ SAC02 Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code Added C000 Defective Allowance Added C310 Discount Added E740 New Store Allowance Added F050 Other (See related description) Added F810 Promoitional Discount Added F910 Quantity Discount ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale ------------------------ ITD01 Terms Type Code Removed 02 End of Month (EOM) ITD02 Terms Basis Date Code Removed 1 Ship Date Removed 2 Delivery Date Removed 3 Invoice Date Removed 8 Invoice Transmission Date ITD03 Terms Discount Percent *Changed from Used to MUST USE ------------------------END------------------------ 850ReleaseNotes20111227 -------------------- Burlington Coat Factory EDI Specification Documents can be found on the Burlington Coat Factory website under ==================== Release Notes: The updated 850 purchase order specification is a combination of the previously existing 850 domestic and 850 import purchase order specifications; only those changes which could reasonably be considered as ‘new’ to both documents are listed in the release notes ==================== BEG Beginning Segment for Purchase Order ------------------------ BEG01 Added 01 Cancellation Removed 06 Confirmation Removed 16 Proposed BEG02 Removed BK Blanket Order (Quantity Firm) Removed RL Release or Delivery Order CUR Currency ------------------------ CUR01 Removed CUR02 Removed CUR03 Removed REF Reference Identification ------------------------ REF01 Reference Identification Qualifier Removed IA Internal Vendor Number Removed PD Promotion/Deal Number Added DO Delivery Order Number Added EV Receiver Identification Number Added MH Manufacturing Order Number Added ZZ Mutually Defined Added ACI Ticket Number PER Administrative Communications Contact ------------------------ PER01 Removed DC Delivery Contact (to N1 loop) PER03 Removed PER04 Removed FOB FOB Related Instructions ------------------------ FOB01 Removed CF Collect, Freight Credited Back to Customer Removed DF Defined by Buyer and Seller Removed MX Mixed Removed FO FOB Port of Call Removed PB Customer Pick-up/Backhaul Removed PC Prepaid but Charged to Customer Removed PO Prepaid Only FOB02 Removed TL Terminal Cargo Location Removed WH Warehouse CSH Sales Requirements ------------------------ CSH01 Removed SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information ------------------------ SAC02 Removed A260 Advertising Allowance SAC12 Added ZZ Mutually Defined ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale ------------------------ ITD14 Removed E Electronic Payment to trading partner’s bank Removed T Wire Transfer DTM Date/Time Reference ------------------------ DTM01 Removed 015 Promotion Start Advertising Date PWK Paperwork ------------------------ PWK01 Removed PWK02 Removed PWK03 Removed PWK04 Removed PWK07 Removed PWK08 Removed TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time) ------------------------ TD502 Removed Identification Code Qualifier TD503 Removed Identification Code TD507 Added Location Qualifier for Import Added KE Port of Embarkation Added PA Port of Arrival TD508 Location Identifier added for Import N1 Name (Header) ------------------------ N101 Added VN Vendor Removed BY Buying Party (Purchaser) Removed Z7 Mark-for Party N103 Added 1 D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet Added 9 D-U-N-S+4 Number with Four Character Suffix Added UL UCC/EAN Location Code N104 Removed 01-Monroe G. Milstein, Removed 04-Ronmar, Inc, Removed 05-Totaly 4 Kids, Removed 06-Fit For Men, Removed 07-Cohoes, Removed 08-Decelle PER Administrative Communications Contact ------------------------ PER03 Added EM Electronic Mail Removed WP Work Phone Number PO1 Baseline Item Data ------------------------ PO106 Added UK U.P.C./EAN Shipping Container Code (1-2-5-5-1) Added EN European Article Number (EAN) (2-5-5-1) Removed BO Buyer’s Color Removed C3 Merchandise Class Removed IT Buyer’s Style Number Removed IZ Buyer’s Size Number Removed SZ Vendor’s Size Number Removed VA Vendor’s Style Number Removed VE Vendor Color PO108 Removed VA Vendor’s Style Number PO110 Removed VE Vendor Color PO112 Removed SZ Vendor’s Size Number PO114 Added BL Brand/Label Added PU part Reference Number Added PU Part Reference Number PO116 Removed PN Company part Number Added BL Brand/Label CTP Pricing Information ------------------------ CTP02 Added ELC Estimated Landed Costs Removed MSR Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Removed PRP Promotional price Removed RES Resale price Removed UCP Unit cost price SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information ------------------------ SAC02 Added A485 Assist Amount Added B870 Customs Charge Added B872 Customs Duty Added C530 Duty Charge Added D340 Goods and Services Charge Added E560 Marking or Tagging Charge Added F050 Other Added G530 Rework Added H215 Specific Duty Added H535 Supplemental Duty Added I431 U.S. Customs Service Added IDCT Improper Documentation SAC05 Added SAC05 Amount Added CUR Currency ------------------------ CUR01 Added A9 Sales Office Added BG Buying Group N9 Reference Identification --------------------------- N9 Removed N9 Reference Identification SLN Subline Item Detail ------------------------ SLN09 Added UK U.P.C./EAN Shipping Container Code (1-2-5-5-1) Added EN European Article Number (EAN) (2-5-5-1) Removed BL Brand/Label Removed BO Buyer’s Color Removed C3 Merchandise Class Removed IT Buyer’s Style Number Removed IZ Buyer’s Size Number Removed PU Part Reference Number Removed SZ Vendor’s Size Number Removed VA Vendor’s Style Number Removed VE Vendor Color SLN11 Added IT Buyer’s Style Number SLN13 Added BO Buyer’s Color SLNI5 Added IZ Buyer’s Size Number SLN17 Added PU Part Reference Number SLN19 Added BL Brand/LabelItem Number SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information ------------------------ SAC02 Added A485 Assist Amount Added B870 Customs Charge Added B872 Customs Duty Added C530 Duty Charge Added D340 Goods and Services Charge Added E560 Marking or Tagging Charge Added F050 Other Added G530 Rework Added H215 Specific Duty Added H535 Supplemental Duty Added I431 U.S. Customs Service Added IDCT Improper Documentation SAC05 Added SAC05 Amount Added CUR Currency ------------------------ CUR01 Added A9 Sales Office Added BG Buying Group AMT Monetary Amount ------------------------ AMT01 Added AMT01 Amount Qualifier Code Added ID Import Duty Amount AMT02 Added Monetary Amount Summary of the Specification Changes ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document Added Release notes for updated EDI Specifications to the website SAMPLE1 --- Bulk Order ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document as a separate Section Added to the Specification Document as User Notes Added as a separate sample file co-located with the EDI specification within the website SAMPLE2 --- Prepack Order ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document as a separate Section Added to the Specification Document as User Notes Added as a separate sample file co-located with the EDI specification within the website SAMPLE3 --- Bulk and Prepack Order ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document as a separate Section Added to the Specification Document as User Notes Added as a separate sample file co-located with the EDI specification within the website SAMPLE4 --- Internet Order ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document as a separate Section Added to the Specification Document as User Notes Added as a separate sample file co-located with the EDI specification within the website ------------------------END------------------------