824ReleaseNotes20141027 -------------------- Begin Changes: ==================== *NO Functional Changes *Additional Notes ------------------------END------------------------ 824ReleaseNotes20140527 -------------------- *Changed Burlington Coat Factory references to Burlington Stores User Notes: ==================== Following the Table of Contents Added User Note 4 Begin Changes: ==================== None ------------------------END------------------------ 824ReleaseNotes201112227 -------------------- Burlington Coat Factory EDI Specification Documents can be found on the Burlington Coat Factory website under http://www.burlingtoncoatfactory.com/content/vendors?edi ==================== NOTE: The updated specification is a combination of the previously existing specifications; only those changes which could reasonably be considered as ‘new’ to both documents are listed in the release notes ==================== SAMPLE 1 --- Application Advice for an accepted transaction ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document Added as a separate sample file co-located with the EDI specification within the website SAMPLE 2 --- Application Advice for a rejected transaction ------------------------ Removed from the Specification Document Added as a separate sample file co-located with the EDI specification within the website ------------------------END------------------------