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Save Up to 40%

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Save Up to 40%

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When choosing glasses or sunglasses, consider your face shape, lifestyle needs, UV protection, and lens technology. Our experts can help you find the perfect fit and style tailored to your requirements.

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To maintain your eyewear, clean the lenses regularly with a microfiber cloth, avoid placing them face down, and store them in a protective case when not in use. Regular adjustments and cleanings at our store are complementary to ensure their longevity.

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Essential lens coatings include anti-scratch coatings, which enhance durability, and anti-reflective coatings, reducing glare and enhancing clarity. UV protection coatings safeguard your eyes from harmful sun rays. Additionally, consider coatings like blue light filters for digital device use or photochromic lenses that adjust to light levels.

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Choose glasses that contrast with your face shape: round frames for angular faces and square frames for round faces. Oval faces suit most frame shapes. Also, consider your skin tone and personal style. Our experienced opticians are here to assist you in finding the perfect frames that enhance your features and reflect your individuality.

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